Redirect 302 redirect from GET @home (cfa877)



app_login Matched route

Route Parameters

No parameters.

Route Matching Logs

Path to match: /login
# Route name Path Log
1 api_genid /api/.well-known/genid/{id} Path does not match
2 api_errors /api/errors/{status} Path does not match
3 api_validation_errors /api/validation_errors/{id} Path does not match
4 api_entrypoint /api/{index}.{_format} Path does not match
5 api_doc /api/docs.{_format} Path does not match
6 api_jsonld_context /api/contexts/{shortName}.{_format} Path does not match
7 _api_validation_errors_problem /api/validation_errors/{id} Path does not match
8 _api_validation_errors_hydra /api/validation_errors/{id} Path does not match
9 _api_validation_errors_jsonapi /api/validation_errors/{id} Path does not match
10 _preview_error /_error/{code}.{_format} Path does not match
11 _uploader_upload_biclientmetadata /_uploader/biclientmetadata/upload Path does not match
12 _uploader_upload_biclienttargets /_uploader/biclienttargets/upload Path does not match
13 _uploader_upload_biclientexe /_uploader/biclientexe/upload Path does not match
14 _uploader_upload_dcm /_uploader/dcm/upload Path does not match
15 _uploader_progress_scanner /_uploader/scanner/progress Path does not match
16 _uploader_cancel_scanner /_uploader/scanner/cancel Path does not match
17 _uploader_upload_scanner /_uploader/scanner/upload Path does not match
18 _uploader_progress_scanner_fast /_uploader/scanner_fast/progress Path does not match
19 _uploader_cancel_scanner_fast /_uploader/scanner_fast/cancel Path does not match
20 _uploader_upload_scanner_fast /_uploader/scanner_fast/upload Path does not match
21 _uploader_upload_jpeg_only /_uploader/jpeg_only/upload Path does not match
22 _uploader_upload_ckeditor /_uploader/ckeditor/upload Path does not match
23 2fa_login /2fa Path does not match
24 2fa_login_check /2fa_check Path does not match
25 _wdt /_wdt/{token} Path does not match
26 _profiler_home /_profiler/ Path does not match
27 _profiler_search /_profiler/search Path does not match
28 _profiler_search_bar /_profiler/search_bar Path does not match
29 _profiler_phpinfo /_profiler/phpinfo Path does not match
30 _profiler_xdebug /_profiler/xdebug Path does not match
31 _profiler_font /_profiler/font/{fontName}.woff2 Path does not match
32 _profiler_search_results /_profiler/{token}/search/results Path does not match
33 _profiler_open_file /_profiler/open Path does not match
34 _profiler /_profiler/{token} Path does not match
35 _profiler_router /_profiler/{token}/router Path does not match
36 _profiler_exception /_profiler/{token}/exception Path does not match
37 _profiler_exception_css /_profiler/{token}/exception.css Path does not match
38 api_login_check /api/login_check Path does not match
39 dicomweb_api_1 /dicomweb/studies/{study}/series/{series}/instances/{instance} Path does not match
40 dicomweb_api_frames /dicomweb/studies/{study}/series/{series}/instances/{instance}/frames/{frames} Path does not match
41 dicomweb_api_studies_metadata /dicomweb/studies/{study}/metadata Path does not match
42 dicomweb_api_series_metadata /dicomweb/studies/{study}/series/{series}/metadata Path does not match
43 dicomweb_api_instance_metadata /dicomweb/studies/{study}/series/{series}/instances/{instance}/metadata Path does not match
44 dicomweb_study /dicomweb/studies/{study} Path does not match
45 dicomweb_series /dicomweb/studies/{study}/series/{series} Path does not match
46 examen_api /api/examen Path does not match
47 examen_api_submit /api/examen/submit Path does not match
48 examen_api_resultat_fichier /api/examen/resultat/fichier/{id} Path does not match
49 examen_api_check_upload /api/examen/checkupload/{id} Path does not match
50 profile_api /api/profile Path does not match
51 index_article /articles/ Path does not match
52 lire_article /articles/details/{id} Path does not match
53 ajouter_article /articles/ajouter Path does not match
54 modifier_article /articles/mofifier/{id} Path does not match
55 suppression_article /articles/supprimer/{id} Path does not match
56 article_upload /articles/images Path does not match
57 get_article_upload /articles/media/{slug} Path does not match
58 biuser_index /biuser/ Path does not match
59 biuser_gerant_index /biuser/gestion Path does not match
60 biuser_new /biuser/new Path does not match
61 biuser_show /biuser/show/{id} Path does not match
62 biuser_edit /biuser/edit Path does not match
63 biuser_changepassword /biuser/changepassword Path does not match
64 biuser_deactivate /biuser/desactiver Path does not match
65 biusers_activate /biuser/activer Path does not match
66 biuser_reset /biuser/reinitialiser Path does not match
67 biuser_reset_2FA /biuser/reset2FA/{id} Path does not match
68 biuser_delete /biuser/supprimer/ Path does not match
69 app_businesslogic_chat__invoke /chat/inv Path does not match
70 loged_in /chat/loged_in Path does not match
71 chat_message_receive /chat/receive Path does not match
72 chat /chat/ Path does not match
73 index_metadata /repository/metadata/{name} Path does not match
74 index_targets /repository/targets/{name} Path does not match
75 index_updater_list /repository/index Path does not match
76 download_updater_file /repository/download/{id} Path does not match
77 add_updater_list /repository/add Path does not match
78 remove_updater_list /repository/remove/{id} Path does not match
79 upload_updated_file /repository/upload/{name}/{folder} Path does not match
80 index_comptabilite /comptabilite/ Path does not match
81 index_point_comptable /comptabilite/point_comptable Path does not match
82 index_comptabilite_releve_examens /comptabilite/releve_examen Path does not match
83 update_comptabilite /comptabilite/update Path does not match
84 dashboard_index /dashboard/ Path does not match
85 home_graph /dashboard/graph Path does not match
86 index_examen /examens/ Path does not match
87 check_consentement /examens/consentement Path does not match
88 ajout_examen /examens/nouveau Path does not match
89 modifier_examen /examens/admin/examens/modifier Path does not match
90 assigner_examen /examens/assigner/{id} Path does not match
91 resultat_examen /examens/resultat/{id} Path does not match
92 modele_resultat_examen /examens/modele/{id} Path does not match
93 historique_examen /examens/history Path does not match
94 details_examen /examens/details/{id} Path does not match
95 consulter_examen /examens/consulter/{id} Path does not match
96 consulter_examen_jpeg /examens/consulterjpeg/{id} Path does not match
97 consulter_examen_instance /examens/consulterDICOM/{id} Path does not match
98 consulter_dicom_instance /examens/consulterRadioDICOM/{id} Path does not match
99 consulter_examen_jpeg_public /examens/consulterjpegpublic/{id} Path does not match
100 return_examen /examens/return Path does not match
101 image_examen /examens/image Path does not match
102 back_examen_image_public /examens/image_public Path does not match
103 resultat_examen_file /examens/resultat/fichier/{id} Path does not match
104 scannaire_metadata /examens/scannaire/{id} Path does not match
105 regenerer_examen /examens/regenerer Path does not match
106 substituer_examen /examens/substituer Path does not match
107 rechercher_examen /examens/rechercher Path does not match
108 index_examen_json /examens/json Path does not match
109 index_etablissement /etablissement/ Path does not match
110 ajout_etablissement /etablissement/ajouter Path does not match
111 modifier_etablissement /etablissement/modifier/{id} Path does not match
112 supprimer_etablissement /etablissement/supprimer/{id} Path does not match
113 home / Path does not match
114 random_code /random-code Path does not match
115 visualiser_scannaire_v3 /viewer/dicomjson Path does not match
116 index_page /pages/ Path does not match
117 modifier_page /pages/modifier/{id} Path does not match
118 parameter_index /parameter/{gid} Path does not match
119 modifier_parametre /parameter/edit/{id} Path does not match
120 parameter_delete /parameter/{id} Path does not match
121 app_publish /publish Path does not match
122 json_reexecute /queue/reexecute/{id} Path does not match
123 json_queue /queue/json Path does not match
124 index_queue /queue/ Path does not match
125 soldes /soldes Path does not match
126 index_transaction /transactions/ Path does not match
127 payer_transactions /transactions/payer Path does not match
128 ajouter_transactions /transactions/ajouter Path does not match
129 modifier_transactions /transactions/modifier/{id} Path does not match
130 solde_transactions /transactions/solde Path does not match
131 suppression_transactions /transactions/supprimer/{id} Path does not match
132 valider01_transactions /transactions/valider Path does not match
133 conversations.newConversations /conversations/create Path does not match
134 conversations.getConversationslist /conversations/ Path does not match
135 conversations.directconversationlist /conversations/directorchannel/{id} Path does not match
136 conversations.bookmarks /conversations/favorites Path does not match
137 conversations.readconversation /conversations/read-conversation/{id} Path does not match
138 conversations.readmessage /conversations/read-message/{id} Path does not match
139 conversations.bi_conversation_user_setting /conversations/user-settings Path does not match
140 conversations.biuser_profile_strange /conversations/get-user-details/{id} Path does not match
141 conversations.biuser_profile /conversations/profile Path does not match
142 conversations.biuser_contacts /conversations/user-contacts Path does not match
143 conversations.send_message /conversations/send-message Path does not match
144 conversations.getconversation /conversations/{id} Path does not match
145 viewerme /bviewer Path does not match
146 biviewerme /viewer Path does not match
147 get_username /get-username Path does not match
148 not_home /should_be_deleted Path does not match
149 messages.getMessages /messages/{id} Path does not match
150 messages.newMessage /messages/{id} Path does not match
151 app_reset /reset Path does not match
152 app_login /login Route matches!

Note: These matching logs are based on the current router configuration, which might differ from the configuration used when profiling this request.